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AmiJAM 2013 is an Amiga computer show. Although Amiga computers are the focus, pretty much all retro computing platforms are welcome.


The show is Saturday, September 7, 2013.

The doors open at 10:00 and close at 17:00.


Dundee Realty, 840 7th Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

The building is next door to the downtown Calgary Sandman Hotel. Entry can be made from the hotel to the +15 level into the building. The meeting rooms are on the +15 level.

Free parking is available in the parkade at the "Dundee" employee stalls. There is a height restriction of 6'0" for the parkade.

Note: Signs will be posted to help guide visitors.

How Much?

Admission is free.


This show is all about having fun. The systems you will see on display are computer systems our members enjoy using.

We won't be displaying yet another Windows PC. This show is about more non-mainstream computer systems.