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Special Guest

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Trevor Dickinson, founder of A-EON Technology, will be at the show to answer questions and share the latest news.


AmiJAM 2019 is an Amiga computer show. Although Amiga computers are the focus, all retro computing platforms are welcome!

We have invited members of our local Commodore group as well as the AmiCUE guys in Edmonton.


The show is Saturday, August 10, 2018.

The doors open to the public at 1 pm and close at 5 pm.

Show setup starts at 11 am.


Braithwaite Boyle Centre
1701 Centre Street NW
Calgary, Alberta

Make your way to Unit 407 via escort (signs will be posted).

All of the surface parking stalls at the rear of the building are available for our use during the event but PLEASE DO NOT park in the Loading Bay area. Also be considerate and do not park in neighbouring lots. Street parking along all surrounding streets is also available.

Unit 407 is Stonecracker Scientific Law which has graciously donated their space for this event.

Note: Signs will be posted to help guide visitors.

How Much?

Admission is free.


This show is all about having fun. The systems you will see on display are computer systems our members enjoy using.

We won't be displaying just another Windows PC or Mac. This show is about more non-mainstream computer systems. Although an emulator or two may show up as well.